Protecting Your Medical Practice in the 21st Century
Many organizations have caught on to the importance of cyber security. It does not take much searching to run into news stories of embarrassing data leaks negatively impacting some very large corporations. When dealing with clients’ personal health history, protecting that data is our top priority.
Our Confidentiality and Security Policy ensures that all Data Security and Management requirements are monitored daily. A conscientious team of data experts will work tirelessly to keep your clients’ data secure.
Our dedicated security team is prepared to offer you:
- Engagement of professional, consultants for data security expertise
- Monitoring of all data handling and migration activities within our network
- Monitoring of all network activities and network access points
- Security configuration standards- Networks, OS & Applications
Important Features
- System/Network Level Security: User authentication by means of a User ID and Password. This policy enforces users to update their password on a weekly or monthly basis and maintains password history.
- Service-specific access to infrastructure and applications and Logical isolation of the network based on engagement requirements.
- Multiple Firewalls protect our entire network. Firewall filters for all incoming and outgoing network traffic.
- Encryption at the link level is done based on the engagement requirements. Tmbsolutions can support all standard encryption algorithms.
- Only authorized personnel are allowed to access the data center.
- All employees have signed confidentiality agreements.
- Access to software via unique user ID & password control.
- Network protected by hardware firewall.
- HIPAA awareness programs run on the floor.